After months of brain fog and paralysis, just not being able to do any of the things I would normally do I decided to do a little research.
I read about these 2 supplements and decided to give it a go. I am so glad that I chose Pureclinica, their product has lived up to the expectations I was wishing for but not quite believing I would get.
Within the first day I felt a sudden awaking (that I did not attribute to the tablet)
I did not take the tablet the next morning, by the afternoon I was feeling back to awful. Popped a tablet (not expecting anything) and within and hour, again, I felt a light switch on. I now take them everyday and I am absolutely convinced that they are the only reason I am functioning normally again. My energy levels are up, I am engaged, I can think without the brain fog, but most of all I AM SMILE inside and out again, the old, real me.!!!
This lead me to give it to my partner who has suffered with sever depression for over 30 years, is on medication but is often emotionless, disengaged from life, unfriendly and feelingless.
After a few days of taking these he said 'I can see in colour again'. He was on 200mg now within a week reduced it to 150mg of prescribed anti-depressants.
He is feeling the best he has in years. He looks younger, smiles and laughs again and feels more energetic and want to be engaged in life again.
I cannot emphasise enough how this has been a massive game changer for us both. My son(28) will be on them soon, he tried a few of mine and is now getting his own, that is after 3 tablets.
Prescription anti-depressants have there place, but they deaden you to all feelings not just the low, bad ones. You eventually end up a lifeless soul.
I wish I had found these years ago, THEY ARE A GAME CHANGER.
Saw Palmetto does not work in tablet form,it needs to be Saw Palmetto oil anything else is a waste of money.
Only been using them for roughly 2 weeks so to early to say. I just hope they help my arthritic pain in my knees 😳
I have found this to be about the best product, and at a reasonable price, for a joint formula. I have been using this for a few years and really notice when I don't take it. Also the customer service is genuinely second to none. Other companies could learn a lot from these guys!
I bought these with very high hopes of them actually helping my fibromyalgia. Sadly, they have done nothing for me, I have felt no changes at all. I'm really disappointed.